Dr Joseph Kwon


Dr Joseph Kwon is a health economist at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford, having joined the department in January 2022. He is currently working on two projects:

1) Tools to measure and value health change in children (TORCH)

2) Long covid multidisciplinary consortium: optimising treatments and services across the NHS (LOCOMOTION).

For TORCH, Joseph is investigating the psychometric evidence around childhood health utility measures.

For LOCOMOTION, he is building an economic model for evaluating alternative Long Covid care strategies.

Joseph’s PhD was in Public Health, Economics and Decision Sciences at the University of Sheffield. The thesis explored the methodological challenges around economic modelling of geriatric public health interventions, focusing on community-based falls prevention as a case study.

Key challenges included incorporating capacity constraints, estimating the value of community asset involvement, and evaluating joint efficiency-equity impacts.