Professor Germaine Wong is an NHMRC Career Development and Leadership Fellow at the University of Sydney. She is also the Director of Renal and Transplantation Medicine at Westmead Hospital, Sydney. She has methodological skills in decision analytical and simulation modelling, discrete choice experiments, and designing and conducting large-scale prospective cohorts, trials and diagnostic test evaluation studies.
Germaine is also a Chief Investigator of the NAVKIDS trial, as research program that aims at providing better healthcare for children with chronic kidney disease Navkids – Navigating Better healthcare (, the Kids with CKD (KCAD study) Kids with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) – Kids with CKD and the Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology – Transplantation (SONG-Tx), an initiative that engages patients and the community in determining the core outcomes for transplantation trials worldwide.