Work Package 2
Systematic Review of the Psychometric Performance of Generic Childhood Preference-Based Health-Related Quality of Life Measures
Work Package 2 involves a systematic review of the psychometric properties of currently available generic multi-dimensional preference-based health-related quality of life measures developed for childhood (aged 18 or less). The measures were identified by the systematic review conducted in Work Package 1. Evidence on the following psychometric properties of the measures will be extracted: (i) reliability – encompassing internal consistency, level of measurement error, inter-rater reliability, and test-retest reliability; (ii) validity – encompassing construct validity, known-group validity, discriminant validity, structural validity, convergent validity, criterion validity, empirical validity, within-scale analyses, and cross-cultural validity; (iii) responsiveness; (iv) interpretability; (v) acceptability and feasibility; (vi) item analysis results; and (vii) other psychometric analyses reported. It is anticipated that this systematic review will provide an enhanced evidence base to inform selection of health-related quality of life instruments for use in economic evaluation of health technologies targeted at children and Work Package 7.
Work Package 2 resulted in two publications. The Systematic Review was published in Applied Health Economics and Health Policy and can be accessed here:
A second commentary paper was published in Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation:
Methodological challenges surrounding QALY estimation for paediatric economic evaluation